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Flow Cytometry/Sorting Policy

Flow Cytometer/Cell Sorter User Policy



SCIF Cytometer Training Policy

SCIF flow data management policy

SOP for Aria2 and Aria3 Setup

SOP for BSL-2 sorting on Aria3

SOP for Bio-Rad ZE5

SOP for Instrument Standardization

SOP for running BSL-2 samples on the LSR2

SOP for cleaning LSR2 after use

Faculty investigators, research fellows, or others who wish to start using the SCIF Flow Cytometer and or Cell Sorters must contact David Gravano ( to discuss their use of the equipment. After appropriate training, all operator assisted or independent usage will be scheduled through the Google Calendar scheduling system. The principal investigators are recharged for all time and/or work performed in SCIF. Normal operator assisted hours are Monday through Friday 9:00AM to 5:00PM. If you need an exception, please contact David directly and he will try to accommodate your needs. Users trained to use the equipment independently can utilize it after normal business hours.

SCIF User policy for after hours and weekend use.

If any of the users need an Operator Assist (O.A.) analysis or sorting on weekdays after 5pm or on a weekend, he/she needs to fill out an ‘After Hour Assist Form’ at least 3 days in advance, which will need to be approved by the SCIF Director, Dr. Anand Gadre. In addition, all users should provide reasoning as to why he/she cannot work during regular business hours. The recharge rate for the after hour and weekend usage is the same as regular hour usage. It is NOT a mandatory requirement to have a buddy accompanying you (the user) while working in SCIF after hours and/or weekends. However, SCIF highly recommends users to find a buddy who can accompany, you (the user), during after hours, and/or weekend operations in SCIF for safety purposes.