Grant Provides New Equipment ( a Semi-Automatic Mask Alignment System integrated with NanoImprinter) with Diverse Applications
Discounts with BD Biosciences and Biolegend (Valid through 12/31/24)
BD Biosciences and Biolegend have continued to offered discounted pricing to UC Merced researchers of up to 30-40% off most antibodies. Click here for details and to download the discount confirmation.
Bio-Rad ZE5 21-color panel
We have worked to optimize voltages and compensation settings for a 21-color panel. For recommendations on fluorophores to use in your high-parameter panels, good starting voltage settings, and compensation values to be expected, click here for more information. I have ranked fluorophores in the order I would recommend adding them to your panels based on a combination of brightness, spillover performance, and cost/availability.
2020 SCIF Cytometry Annual Report
Click here to view our annual report
March 3, 2020
Research Week SCIF Tours
SCIF will open its doors to tour groups as part of UC Merced Researc Week. Please see the link below for more information.
March 5, 2019
Research Week SCIF Tours
SCIF will open its doors to tour groups as part of UC Merced Researc Week. Please see the link below for more information.
January 16, 2019
Levitas Bio Sorter hands-on training
Contact David Gravano ( to set up an appointment to test your samples on the Levitas system.
January 15, 2019
Levitas Bio seminar on label-free cell sorting.
SCIF is obtaining and early access intrument that utilizes mangentic levitation to seperate cells and biomaterials. This seminar will explain the technology and application of this intrument. Lunch will be provided.
September 20, 2017
New Confocal Objective
4x/0.20 objective lens has been acquired for use on the Nikon Ti-E microscope.
August 19, 2017
QSB Lab Olympics
SCIF organized the 3rd installment of the Quantitive Systems Biology Lab Olympics
August 7, 2017
High-Dimensional Analysis Workshop
SCIF sponsored a day-long high-dimensional analysis workshop to assist flow cytometry users in the utilization of tools such as viSNE, FLOCK, and CITRIS
June 5-6, 2017
FACS Sorting 2-Day course
SCIF offered our 2-day sorting course that covers topics including sorter theory, setup for independent sorting, sample prep, optimizing yield and purity, and sorter biosafey. This course is required for anyone performing after hours and weekend sorting. Please contact David Gravano for future offerings.
November 22, 2016
ARIA III Violet Upgrade
4 new PMTs have been added to the Violet detector array on the ARIA III allowing simultaneous deteciton of BV421, BV510, BV605, BV650, BV711, and BV786.
September 12, 2016
Profilometer Move
SCIF has completed the move of the profilometer from the clean room to SE1 379.
September 7, 2016
ARIA II/LSR and Microscopy Move
SCIF has completed the move of the LSR/ARIA II and microscopy rooms. All flow cytometry equipment is now located in SE1 153 and microscopy instruments are located in SE1 379.
August 8-9, 2016
FACS Sorting 2-Day course
SCIF will be putting on a 2-day sorting course that will cover topics including sorter theory, setup for independent sorting, sample prep, optimizing yield and purity, and sorter biosafey. The course is currently full. Please contact David Gravano for future offerings.
March 21-22, 2016
Intensive 2-Day Flow Course
SCIF held an intensive 2-day course on flow cytometry sample prep, acquisition, and data analysis. This course reached enrollment capacity and will be offered on an annual basis.
January 2016
Atomic Force Microscope
SCIF has acquired a NT-MDT Next atomic force microscope (AFM) which is now availalbe in the microscopy room.
February 2015
New Profilometer
SCIF has purchased a Bruker Dektak XT Profilometer that is now available for use in the cleanroom
September 2014
Biological Safety Cabinets certified
We have recertified 3 Biological Safety Cabinets in the SCIF for cell culture use.
June 2014
BD FACSDiva8.0 Analysis Station online
This data analysis workstation (located in SE153) allows users to analyze their data in the SCIF without needing to purchase their own software package for data analysis
May 2014
Aerosol Management Upgrade
We now have an aerosol management system installed on the Aria III. This allows control of hazardous aerosols and must be used on all BSL-2 samples including human cell lines, primary human cells, and infectious agents.