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Liquid Nitrogen

SCIF Cytometry in BSP 412 distributes liquid nitrogen for laboratory use in the BSP and SRE buildings. There is no self-filling. You must make a request in iLab and SCIF will fill either a 3L or 10L dewar (provided) for you to take to your lab. The dewar must be returned by the end of the day (5PM) to BSP412. This is currently a pilot service (free of charge), but will likely be on a recharge in the future. This is most suited for small quantities of LN2 or as a backup for larger quantities during emergency shortages. Those with large cell storage dewars or large regular consumption should continue to order their own LN2. 

-Process to reserve nitrogen:

If you do not have an iLab account, click here for instructions on setting one up:

If you need urgent help or are having issues making a request in iLab, please contact David at or (209) 285-5726

If you are in SE1, the SIELO has liquid nitrogen available. Contact Robin Trayler (

If you are in SE2, the IMF has liquid nitrogen available. Contact Kennedy Nguyen (