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Liquid Nitrogen and Cryostorage

Liquid Nitrogen

SCIF Cytometry in BSP 412 distributes liquid nitrogen for laboratory use in the BSP and SRE buildings. There is no self-filling for >1L quantities. For a transfer dewar, you must make a request in iLab and SCIF will fill either a 3L or 10L dewar (provided) for you to take to your lab. The dewar must be returned within 24 hours to BSP412. To pour out small quantities, fill out the log sheet in BSP 412 and pour what you need from the 10L dewar near the eye wash station. See our RATES page for the current LN2 costs.

-Process to reserve a transfer dewar of LN2:

If you do not have an iLab account, click here for instructions on setting one up:

If you need urgent help or are having issues making a request in iLab, please contact David at or (209) 285-5726

If you are in SE1, the SIELO has liquid nitrogen available. Contact Robin Trayler (


SCIF maintains a cryostorage dewar outside BSP 412. Labs can rent boxes from SCIF on a monthly basis (81 cryovial capacity per box). Contact David for details at or (209) 285-5726