SCIF Histology Services
Service #1:
Tissue processing and paraffin block embedding - $6/sample
Price includes tissue cassettes, 10% neutral buffered formalin, specimen jar, tissue processing (dehydration, cleaning, and embedding). User input may be required for tissue grossing and specimen orientation in the block. The deliverable will be tissue blocks that are ready for sectioning or archiving.
Service #2:
Microtomy self service - $10/hour - recharge approved, but not yet implemented while we develop SOPs.
Microtomy and slide generation Full Service - $4/first slide per block, $2/each additional
Price includes labor for trimming the blocks, generating sections, adhering to slides, and drying. We will place 2 sections per slide unless specified otherwise.
Service #3:
Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining or Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining - $4/slide, $3/slide if >30 slides
Process includes deparrafinization and rehydration of tissue, staining, dehydration of tissue, clearing, and mounting of coverslip.
Process for histology:
Contact David Gravano ( in the SCIF to discuss your specific plans and experimental design, including number of samples you will generate.
Pick up formalin jars and numbered cassettes from the SCIF (SE1 153). We will provide the tissue cassettes and jars of 10% neutral buffered formalin. Place your tissues in the cassettes and in formalin and return it to the SCIF. Indicate on the jar the time that the samples were placed in formalin.
Return the samples to the SCIF for processing. SCIF will perform tissue processing, embedding, sectioning and H&E staining as desired by users. During the embedding and sectioning process, please let us know if you have special instructions. Otherwise we will orient the tissue at our discretion, cut 5um sections, and place 2 sections per slide.
SCIF will notify you when blocks and slides are ready for pickup. We will provide the slides in a slide box and return paraffin tissue blocks to you for archiving. Turnaround time is estimated to be 2 weeks.
Sample data generated in the SCIF:
WT mouse large intestine: single 10x image PaS Stained:
WT mouse lunge: single 20x image PAS Stained:
Day 9 mouse heart: 36 stitched images at 10x magnification:

Day 9 mouse heart: Single 10x image:

Day 18 mouse kidney from autoimmune model: 63 stitched images at 10x magnification:

Day 18 mouse kidney from autoimmune model: 20x magnification showing immune infiltrate into kidney capsule:

Day 18 mouse large intestine:40x magnification: