Please follow these steps to gain access to the SCIF Cytometry analysis workstation (located in SE1 153 office):
-Email David ( so he grant priviledge to log in remotely via Windows Desktop.
-Connect to the UC Merced VPN. For help setting up VPN on your computer visit this IT link:
-Search “Remote Desktop Connection” in your Windows search bar and open the App
-for “Computer” input the IP address:
-Your credentials to connect will be your full UCM email as the user name and your UCM password
-This will connect you remotely to the computer where you can access all software on the computer, including FlowJo and ImageJ. Note, if FlowJo does not come up as a program, the program link can be found here: c:\program files\flowjo 10.7.1\ then click on the application file called Flowjo v10.7.1 to open the program
-Reservation is required to use the workstation! To schedule time to use it and see availability use the iLab “Schedule Equipment” tab. There is an instrument called “Cytometry Analysis Workstation”. Book it just like you book time on the cytometers. There is no cost for this and you do not need to log in and out with Kiosk.